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Letter Examples I - Scientific and business Correspondence

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Scientific and business Correspondence
Letter Examples

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1) Example of a business letter with a printed letterhead:

(1) Browning's Counting Instruments,
15 Highgate Street,
London, S.W. 10,
(2) 25th May, 19..
(3)Institute of Biology,
    16 Leninskii Prospekt,

Dear Sir,

We are sending you under separate cover our catalogue and price-list.




(6)Yours truly,
(7) Thomas J. Jackson
     Export Manager


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2) Example of a typed letter:


Institute of Organic Chemistry,

  Leninskii Prospekt 15




                 23rd March, 19..

Prof. S.Smith,
  4 Grey St.,
     London, N.E. 20,

Dear Prof. Smith,

Thank you very much for your kind invitation to take part in the Symposium.

It gives me great pleasure to accept your invitation and I look forward to seeing many friends there.



Sincerely yours,




Institute of Organic Chemistry,

Leninskii Prospekt 15




March 23, 19..

Prof. S.Smith,
4 Grey St.,
London, N.E. 20,

Dear Prof. Smith,

Thank you very much for your kind invitation to take part in the Symposium.

It gives me great pleasure to accept your invitation and I look forward to seeing many friends there.



Sincerely yours,


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3) Printed letterheads






Great Britain:

Pearson Press
14 Brown St.
London, E.W. 14


cable address:



Consultants Bureau Inc.
324 W. 19th St., New York 11


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4) Typed letterheads

In step:
Institute of Chemistry,
    Leninsky Prospect*),   23
         Moscow B-114,
43 Brown Str.,
    London, E4,
        Great Britain.

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In block:
Department of Chemistry
University of Columbia
New York, N.Y.
Ul. Vavilova*) 24, apt. 3
Moscow B-102

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5) Example of a  letter with supplements:


Institute of Organic Chemistry,

Leninskii Prospekt 15




March 23, 19..


Attention: Export Manager.


Dear Prof. Smith,


Subject: Order N 832.

In accordance with your request...




Encl.: copy of document

Yours truly,


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6) Examples of envelope layout


Sender's address


Postal remarks


Recipient's address



Postal remarks


Recipient's address


Sender's address


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7) Examples of  envelope addresses


Great Britain:

Dr. E.S. Galkin,
    Russian Academy of Sciences,
        Leninskii Prospekt 14,
             Moscow, Russia.


Prof. R. Carvert,
    14 Stand Street,



Columbia University
in the City of New York
Lamont Geological Observatory
Torrey Cliff, Palisades, New York.


Russian Academy of Sciences
14 Leninskii Prospekt


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1. Dear Colleague,

   I am sending you with this letter the reprints you are so much in need of. I hope you will find them interesting and useful in your work.

  If I can be of any help to you in future, please do not hesitate to write me.

  With best wishes,

Yours sincerely,
S.V. Williams

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2. Dear Sir,
Subject: The Nuclear Spins of the
Cluster of Alkali Atoms.

I have the pleasure of sending you under separate cover the galley proofs of the translation of your manuscript "The Nuclear Spins of the Cluster of Alkali Atoms" for your correction. Since your manuscript is to go to press in May we ask you to return it to us with all the appropriate corrections not later than 15th March.

Please acknowledge receipt of the manuscript.


Yours sincerely,
Charles A. Cornwell

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3. Dear Dr. Walkers:

By the same mail I am sending you my paper entitled "Polymer Fuels and Polymer Lubricants" for publication in the "Journal of Polymer Science".

In compliance with the International (Geneva) Convention for Authors' Copyrights to which the Russia is affiliated, the above-cited paper is registered with the Russian Copyright Agency (VAAP) which is authorized to represent our interests. According to the rules, we allow one-time usage of our translated paper into English and reserve the rights to use the above-cited paper sent to you.

Sincerely yours ,
V.S.. Nikitin

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4. Dear Dr.Lebedev,

Please find attached to this letter our bulletin "Physical Problems", No 9, dated 19... Thank you for sending us your paper for publication.

We are looking forward to other contributions on the same topic.

. Yours sincerely,
B.S. Hemphrey

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5. Dear Dr. Livitin,

I have the pleasure of sending you attached my book "Enzymes." I hope you will find it interesting. I regret to inform you that I cannot attend your symposium because of my poor health at the present time.

As soon as I recover I'll write you a long letter and inform you about my new work in detail. It would be very useful to discuss some important problems concerning this work.

With all best wishes.

. Yours sincerely,
Frank G. Jones

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6. Dear Prof. Kukin,

We thank you very much indeed for your contribution to the Journal of Geology. Your paper "The Migration of Mercury in the Earth's Crust" has appeared in October's issue.

We are sending you with this mail 10 reprints of your article and request you to acknowledge receipt of same.

We are looking forward to receiving new contributions from you and from your colleagues

Yours sincerely,
Henry S. Dickson

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7. Dear Dr. Willians,

I wish to acnowledge with many thanks the receipt of your letter of 6th April and express my gratitude to you for sending me the reprints.

With best wishes,

Yours sincerely,
Roman A. Konstantinov

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8. Dear Dr. Cornwell,

I am happy to acknowledge with thanks receipt of the galley proofs of the translation of my manuscript "The Nuclear Spins of the Cluster of Alkali Atoms" which has arrived in today's mail simultaneously with your letter of 10th January, 19.. I wish to inform you that I will make all the appropriate corrections on time for the manuscript to go to press in May.

Yours sincerely,
Roman S. Akimov

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9. Dear Dr. Nikitin,

We acknowledge receipt of your letter of June 6, 19.. and thank you very much for the paper you have sent us under the title "Polymer Fuels and Polymer Lubricents" for publication in the Journal of Polymer Science.

Yours sincerely,

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10. Dear Mr. Hemphrey,

This is to acknowledge with thanks receipt of No 9 of your bulletin "Physical Problems."

I trust you are receiving our publications regularly.

Yours sincerely,
A.B. Lebedyev

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11. Dear Dr. Jones:

Thank you very much for sending me your book "Enzymes." It will certainly be a great pleasure to read it. Dr. Stanley has recently informed me that you have contracted influenza. I hope you have recovered by now and already back at your work.

With best wishes,

Yours sincerely,
Semyon S. Levitin

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12. Dear Mr. Dickford:

I am very happy to learn that my paper "The Migration of Mercury in the Earth's Crust" has appeared in October's issue of your journal.

Thank you for sending me the 10 reprints of my article.

I am now completing my experimental investigation and as soon a I work over my results I will prepare another contribution and send it to you for publication.

Yours sincerely,
Boris F. Kukin

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13. Dear Sir,

In reply to your letter of June 5th, we enclose a copy of the May issue of the "Geographical Magazine".

Please acknowledge receipt.

Yours truly,
Roger S. Samson


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14. Dear Prof. Smith,

In reply to your letter of March 3rd we have much pleasure in informing you that we have arranged for a delegation of 5 experts to participate in the Council Meeting to be held in Paris from March 20th to 25th.

With best wishes,

Yours sincerely,
Thomas C. Carlson

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15. Dear Prof. Belov,

Please forgive me for not replying sooner to your kind letter of the 21st October. When your letter arrived I was away on a lecture tour and only returned a week ago.

I am very grateful to you for sending me the information I requested from you. It will be a great help to me.

I look forward to seeing you soon in this country.

With kindest regards,

Yours sincerely,
A.B. Jones

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16. Dear Sir,

The National Committee of Botany is planning to arrange a Sympoisum in early August and requests you to present a paper on one of the following subjects:


Will you kindly let us have an early reply informing us on which subject you are going to speak.

Trusting to hear from you soon,

I remain
Yours sincerely,
M.S. Carroy

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  12th June, 19..
Dear Prof. Jones,

I shall be very grateful if you send me a reprint of your article "Particle Acceleration" published in the Journal of Physics, 4 (1987) 137.

Yours sincerely,
Evgeniy F. Fedorov

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  15th March, 20..
Dear Dr. Hill,

I am very glad to send you my book which you are so keen to have (according to your previous letter). I hope you will find it useful and interesting to read.

This morning Dr. Komarov rang me up and informed me that you have been awarded the...Prize for your work in the field of... Kindly accept my warmest condratulations and best wishes.

Yours sincerely,
Oleg F. Orlov

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(reply to letter #18)

  15th March, 20..
Dear Prof. Orlov,

It was a great pleasure to receive your letter of 15th March and your book which arrived by the same mail. I want to express my deep gratitude to you for sending me the book and for the kind congratulations. Please give my best regards to your wife and son.

Hoping to see you at the Congress in London? I remain,

Yours sincerely,
Henry R. Hill

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20. Dear Dr. Weiser:

It was a great pleasure to receive a letter from you. I am very glad to know that you have completed your lecture trip so successful and that you can now take up the research you started last May.

I am sure you will appreciate having my paper on "Physico-chemical modeling of natural processes." Therefore I avail myself of the liberty of sending it to you, and will find it interesting. I am also sending you with this letter a few color photos of the Black Sea coast which I took during my vacation time.

Yours sincerely,
Vladimir Frolov

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21. Dear Sir,

We are very grateful to you for your letter of 23rd March and for the circular letter enclosed. We enjoyed reading about the photographic observational and computational techniques of keeping track of the minor planets, which were elaborated at your computing center.

We greatly appreciate your kind invitation to participate in the International Co-operative Observational and Computational Program. Our Computing Center lends its full support to this program and will contribute to the methods of keeping track of the minor planets.

Trusting to hear from you soon, We remain,

Yours sincerely,
Andrei S. Smirnov

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22. Dear Dr. Nosov,

Referring to your letter of 7th June, we have the pleasure of sending you two copies of the proofs of your articlle. We kindly ask you to arrange for them to be checked in detail and return us one copy not later than June 30th.

Yours sincerely,
Thomas A. Jones

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23. Dear Sirs,

We acknowledge receit of your letter of 7th April from which we learn that you came to know our address through the courtesy of the Institute of Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences. it gives us great pleasure to imform you that our Company deals with Electric Resistances and are sending you list 613B giving full technical details of our AC Voltage and Current Control Models.

In anticipation of your reply, we remain,

Yours truly,
Charles A. Jones
Sales Manager

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24. Dear Dr. Arlingston,

It is a great pleasure to have a letter from you and to learn that you have recovered completely from your accident. Frankly speaking, I was very much worried about any possible consequences.

Dr. Maria Smirnova, a very good friend of mine, from Moscow University is to deliver a series of lectures at Cambridge University and I am making use of this opportunity to send you a little present from Moscow. I hope you will like it.

Prior to your accident I sent you a copy of our method of cultivating unicellular algae which proved to be very successful in our laboratory. I would like very much to have your opinion and to know whether it is possible to employ it under your laboratory conditions.

With best wishes,.

Yours sincerely,

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25. Dear Dr. Karpov,

I wish to thank you sincerely for your kind letter of 23rd April.

I am happy t oinform you that we have used your method of cultivating unicellular algae and the results are remarkble.

As soon as I complete the graphs and tables I will send them to you for comparison.

You cannot imagine how much I appreciate the fine present you sent me via Prof. Maria Smirnova. She has given me a sort outline of the work you are carying out in your laboratory. She is a very charmimg woman and I enjoyed the fine talks and discussions that we had.

I am looking forward to seeing you at the Colloquium in August.

With best wishes,

Yours sincerely,
Robert Arlington

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26. 22nd January, 19..

Dear Prof. Andreyev,

I am very glad to acknowledge receit of your letter dated 12th December enclosing the newspaper cutting. It was very interesting news indeed and I enjoyed reading it immensely.

I am making use of this opportunity to approach you with a request. Would you be so kind as to send me the Statistical Year-Book for 19.., if it is available? I need it badly for my research in economic development in African countries.

I shall be very grateful to you if you can oblige.

With best wishes,

Yours sincerely,
Robert A. Sparrow

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27. Dear Dr. Sparrow,

Thank you very much for your letter of the 20th May from which I learn that you are studying the problem of economic development in African countries. It certainly is a very important problem of today and I wish you every succes in your work.

In accordance with your request I have sent you under separate cover the Statistic Year-Book for 19...

I should be happy if I could be of any further help to you in future.

With best wishes,

APA/ME Yours sincerely,
Andrei R. Andreev

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28. Dear Prof. Andreev,

I wish to acknowledge with many thanks the receipt of your letter of 3rd June and to express my deep gratitude to you fro complying my request and for sending me the Statistical Year-Book for 19...

I am sending you with this letter a reprint of my article.

If you believe I can be of any help to you, please write to me at once.

Trusting to hear from you soon,
I remain,

Yours sincerely,
Robert A. Sparrow

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29. Dear Dr. Sparrow,

I am very glad to hear from you again. From your letter I learn that you have received the Statistical Year-Book for 19...

It was a great pleasure to do you some service and should need arise again, do not hesitate to write to me at once.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,
Andrei R. Andreev

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(unfavourable reply to letter #26)

30. 3rd June, 19..

Dear Dr. Sparrow,

I am very grateful to you for your letter of the 22nd January in which you ask me to send you the Statistical Year-Book for 19...

I would like very much to do this favour for you but, unforunately, this book is not available at the present time. Perhaps it would be advisable to address Dr. Ivanov. He may have this book.

However, if I do come across this book I will be be happy to send it to you.

With best wishes,

Yours sincerely,
Andrei R. Andreev

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