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141. |
January 17, 19..
Dear Prof. Borkov,
I have recently come across an announcement in the Journal of ... calling for papers for presentation at the ... Conference which you are convening in August 19...
I would appreciating have more information about the meeting so that I could prepare a paper/poster on the following theme "...".
If you find my work to be of interest, I shall be looking forward to receiving an invitation to attend.
Yours sincerely,
John P. Wittermarm |
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142. |
12 March, 19..
Dear Sir:
I am writing to inquire about the... Congress which is to be held in K_, in August 19...
I would be grateful if you would send me detailed information concerning the program of the Congress. I am engaged in the following area of exploration: "...".
I would be interested in presenting a paper if my work is related to the scope of the Congress.
Sincerely yours,
Michial S. Strommer |
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( reply to letter # 141)
143. |
17 March, 19..
Dear Dr. Wittermarm,
I am happy to learn that you have responded to our call for papers. I wish to inform you that the topic of your paper/poster is in line with the scope of our conference.
Please consider this letter as an invitation to participate in the work of the Conference on...
Will you kindly send the thesis of your paper/poster not later than June 25, 19... We have put your name on our mailing list for further information.
Yours sincerely,
Boris, M. Borkov |
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(favourable reply to letter # 142)
144. |
April 3, 19..
Dear Dr. Strommer,
I am writing to inform you that I have received your letter of 12 March 19... I have the pleasure of informing you that the work of you are engaged in is related to the scope of our Congress. Further information will be sent to you as soon as the material is ready. We have put your name on our mailing-list.
Yours sincerely,
Andrei P. Belikov |
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(unfavourable reply to letter # 142)
145. |
April 3, 19..
Dear Dr. Strommer,
In reply to your letter of 12 March 19... I am sorry to inform you that your work is not in line with the scope of our Congress. However I have good news for you. I know that the National Committee on... is convening a conference in September, 19... and will deal with such problems as you suggest in your letter.
I am forwarding your address to the Organizing Committee so that they can put your name on their mailing-list.
Yours sincerely,
Andrei P. Belikov |
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(official invitation)
146. |
10 Feb, 19..
Dear Dr. Baskin,
The Organizing Committee for convening the III International Congress on... officially invites you to participate in the work of the Congress to be held in C_ from 3rd to 9th July.
We would appreciate an early reply to this invitation and hope we shall have the pleasure of seeing you at the Congress. Further arrangements will be expedited if your immediate acceptance of the invitation is written directly to the Organizing Committee.
Please find enclosed a preliminary list of topics, which can cover your field of scientific activities. We kindly request you to inform us the title of your paper/poster.
Yours truly,
Frank R. Williams
Chairman of the Organizing
Committee |
Enc.: List of topics
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(official invitation)
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148. |
10th November, 19..
Dear Professor Senta,
By this letter I am happy to extend to you and your wife an invitation to attend the IV International Conference on... to be held in P_ from 10th to 16th June, 19... We would be pleased if you would give your concent to give a plenary lecture on any subject covering the scope of the Conference, or to chair one of the sessions. Your participation should indeed be valuable in ensuring the success of the Conference.
If you find the opportunity to accept our invitation, we would appreciate receiving an abstract of your talk by February, 1, 19... Enclosed please find the guidelines for typing the abstracts and a tentative program of the International Conference. The 2nd Announcement of the IV International Conference on ... has been sent to you by separate mail.
The USSR Academy of Sciences will be happy to cover your and your wife's registration, accommodation fees and travelling expenses during your seven-day stay in this country as well as to provide free economy class two-way Aeroflot tickets from the nearest airport Aeroflot has flights from to Moscow and back.
I will appreciate your response at your earliest convenience.
Sincerely yours,
A.P. Erskov, Professor
President of the IV International Conference on... |
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(accepting invitation to letter # 147)
149. |
16 Feb., 19..
Dear Dr. Williams,
I wish to inform you that I have received your letter of 10 Feb. 19... in which you officially invite me to participate in the work of the III International Congress on... to be held in C_ from 3rd to 9th July, 19...
It gives me great pleasure to accept your kind invitation to the Congress. From the list of topics enclosed in your letter I could present a paper under the title "...".
Please confirm agreement as to the title as soon as possible so as to have enough time to prepare my paper. I am looking forward to receiving further information from you.
Sincerely yours,
Andrei S. Baskin,
professor |
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(reply to letter # 149)
150. |
Jan. 3, 19..
Dear Dr. Baskin:
I was very happy to receive your letter of 16 Feb. 19... in which you inform us about your willingness to participate in the III International Congress on... to be held in C_ from 3rd to 9th July, 19...
I wish to advise you that the Program Committee confirms the topic of your presentation and is looking forward to receiving the thesis of your paper as soon as possible.
We have put your name on our mailing list for sending you further information.
Sincerely yours,
Frank R. Williams |
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151. |
22 April, 19..
Dear Dr. Jackson,
I wish to express my deep gratitude to you for your invitation to participate in the XIX International Symposium on... to be held in L- in early June, 19...
I very much regret to inform you that I have to decline your invitation owing to the fact that our experiment is in full swing and cannot put it off. I believe you understand my situation.
With kind regards,
Sincerely yours,
Andrei S. Kudryavtsev |
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152. |
June 10, 19..
Dear Dr. Frolov,
I very much appreciate your kind invitation to participate in the VII Conference on Electroanalytical Chemistry to be held in Tbilisi. I am sorry to lose this opportunity of coming to your country and meet my colleagues.
Had your invitation reached me a little earlier I would have been happy to attend the Conference. Unfortunately it is inconvenient for me to cancel my commitment to give a series of lectures to a body of undergraduates of Wisconsin University for that period of time.
All best wishes for a successful Conference. Please give my best regards to Natasha.
Sincerely yours,
Fred S. Ellington |
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153. |
April 10, 19..
Dear Professor...,
Thank you for your letter and abstract of the paper to be presented at the IV Conference on... . Your submitted abstract will be considered by the Program Committee for publication in the Book of Abstracts.
Please find enclosed instructions for preparing abstracts of papers in camera-ready copy.
Thank you very much for your interest in and contribution to the conference.
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154. |
May 11, 19..
Dear Dr
I am very happy to inform you that the abstract of your poster/ /paper has been accepted for publication in the Congress Book of Abstracts.
Your abstract has been registered under number 210.
Many thanks for your contribution.
Looking forward to seeing you at the Congress.
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155. |
May 12, 19..
Dear Dr. ...,
The Program Committee has considered the submitted abstract of your paper. We very much regret that your topic is unsuitable for presentation, as it does not fit into the scope of the present Congress.
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156. |
Dear Dr. Novikov,
I wish to inform you that the XXVII International Conference on... will be held in..., 18-27 August, 19...
It is my honour and priveledge to invite you and your wife to attend the Conference. The Conference will proceed in the form of plenary sessions, poster presentations, and round-table and panel discussions. Many outstanding scientists engaged in this area of science have given their concent to participate. Your participation will indeed be valuable in ensuring great success in the work of the Conference.
By this letter I am happy to inform you that the Organizing Committee will cover your and your wife's travelling expenses (free SAS tickets to and back), registration and hotel accommodation fees.
The Organizing Committee has drawn up an exceedingly interesting Social Program for the participants and accompanying persons. Post-Conference tours to other cities and research centres will be arranged according to schedule.
We are looking forward to your accepting this invitation and seeing you and your wife at the Conference.
Trusting to hear from you soon, I remain
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157. |
, 19..
Dear Dr. M_
I am very grateful to you for your letter of June 10, 19... in which you invite me and Dr. S_ to participate in the work of the XXVI Congress on...
As far as I am concerned I accept your invitation with great pleasure. I have recently completed a series of investigations on... and I have recently attended a Conference on... which was held in G_ and was acquainted to Dr. P_ during the lunch break. We had a very interesting discussion about our common work, and I believe he could present a paper on... I suggest that you invite him.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
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158. |
12th April, 19..
Dear Dr. Chapman,
I wish to congratulate you on the success of the V International Oceanological Congress and hope that the next Congress will be as fruitful and interesting as this one.
With best regards,
Yours sincerely,
Alexander P. Rozov |
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(reply to letter # 158)
159. |
16th April, 19..
Dear Dr. Rozov,
It is kind of you to write such a warm letter of congratulation to me. I am very glad to learn that the V International Oceanological Congress was of great interest to you.
With best wishes,
Yours sincerely,
Peter S. Chapman |
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160. |
4th May, 19..
Dear Mr. Burov,
We wish to express our sincere congratulations on the successful completion of your interesting experiment and trust that the material will be published in the near future.
Yours cordially,
Frank P. Solgers |
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161. |
August 14, 19..
Dear Prof. Hinge:
I was very happy to read in the newspaper that you had received the Walter Prize for your outstanding work and I hurry to congratulate you at once. I wish you further success in your activities.
Sincerely yours,
George E. Skakovsky |
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(reply to letter # 161)
162. |
August 25, 19..
Dear Dr. Skakovsky:
Thank you very much for your letter and sincere congratulations on the award of the Walter Prize.
I am looking forward to seeing you at the VII International Chemical Conference.
Best wishes,
Truly yours,
Paul T. Hinge |
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163. |
17th November, 19..
Dear Dr. Bobrikov,
I am very much obliged to you for your kind invitation to attend the Jubilee celebration of your Institute, which I accept with great pleasure.
I wish to use this opportunity and to congratulate you and your colleagues on this magnificent occasion and wish you good health and every success.
Yours truly,
Stanley P. Robinson |
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(reply to letter # 163)
164. |
23rd November, 19..
Dear Dr. Robinson,
I am very grateful to you for your cordial congratulations on the Jubilee date of our Institute.
It gives me much pleasure to learn that you have accepted our invitation.
I am looking forward to seeing you soon,
Yours sincerely,
Matvei P. Bobrikov |
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(reply to letter # 165)
166. |
9th November, 19..
Dear Dr. Reese,
I am in receipt of your letter dated 1st November and wish to thank you most cordially for your congratulations on the occasion of our national holiday. The peaceful work of Soviet scientists is aimed at developing and using all areas of sciences for the benefit of mankind and for the improvement of international relations with all countries.
With best regards,
Yours sincerely,
Oleg F. Ponomarenko |
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167. |
June 24, 19..
Dear Dr. Saltykov,
It is a great pleasure to congratulate you on the occasion of your 60th birthday and to wish you good health and long years of further activity as a scientist and teacher.
Yours sincerely,
Peter R. Gingers |
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(reply to letter # 167)
168. |
June 26, 19..
Dear Dr. Gingers,
I am indeed very grateful to you for your kind letter containing 60th birthday greeting.
Many thanks.
Yours sincerely,
Ivan S. Saltykov |
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169. |
August 29, 19..
Dear Dr. Kozlov:
I am making use of the opportunity to send you my sincere greetings through the courtesy of Prof. Adams who is going to visit your country in late October.
Enclosed are some of the snapshots made during the Symposium in Baltimore.
I trust I shall hear from you soon.
Jean H. Carpenter |
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(reply to letter # 169)
170. |
September 8, 19..
Dear Dr. Carpenter:
Thank you very much for your kind greetings which came to me via Prof. Adams who is here on business. The snapshots that you sent me along with the greetings remind me of the pleasant time of our meetings in Baltimore. Please give my best regards to your wife and sons.
I am looking forward to seeing you again at the next Symposium.
Sincerely yours,
Viktor P. Kozlov |
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171. |
10th March, 19..
Dear Prof. Jones,
Dr. Shatrov has recently returned to Moscow and he asked me to convey to you and your colleagues his best regards and wishes.
I should also like to send you my best greetings with the warmest recollections of our meetings in London and with the deepest gratitude to you for the hospitality I enjoyed there.
I am now writing up a report of the work I carried out at the Belmont Laboratories and would kindly ask you to send me the following information:
1. ...
2. ...
3. ...
I trust you will reply to this letter soon.
Yours sincerely,
Maxim P. Markov |
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172. |
December 12, 19..
Dear Colleague,
I cannot tell you how delighted I was with the reprint as well as with the handsome present you sent me. It is a most pleasant present which I shall always treasure.
Please accept my renewed thanks not only for the reprint and beautiful gift, but also for the good wishes which you kindly sent with them.
With best regards,
Yours sincerely,
Franklin S. Sparks |
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173. |
January 15th, 19..
Dear Dr. Goodwin,
I thank you for the good wishes in your letter of January 10th. I certainly reciprocate these to you yourself and all your colleagues.
At the same time I wish to repeat my thanks for the book you have sent me.
With best wishes,
Yours sincerely,
Nikolai R. Romanov |
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174. |
27th December, 19..
Dear Dr. Golovin,
It gives me great pleasure to inform you that the translation of your book has been completed and is now being prepared for print. I would kindly request you to send us new photographs of Figures 3, 7, 14 and 28. The ones we have are no good for printing.
I take this opportunity to send you my best wishes for the New Year and wish you vigorous health and great success in your research.
With kind regards,
Yours sincerely,
Arthur P. Boone |
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(reply to letter # 174)
175. |
 Dear Dr. Boone,
I am indeed happy to learn that my book has been translated and will soon appear in the English edition.
I wish to thank you must cordially for all the trouble you went through with the arrangement for its publication. I am awfully sorry that the photos are no good for printing and I am sending you new ones. I am sure they will be much better.
You were very kind indeed to extend your good wishes for the New Year. I am very glad of this opportunity to wish you and your colleagues a happy and successful 19...
Yours sincerely,
Boris M. Golovin |
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176. |
 Dear Dr. Morbis
This is to thank you most sincerely for your good wishes for the New Year. We reciprocate tsese most heartily and hope that your co-operation will continue during the Coming Year to the satisfaction of all of us.
Yours sincerely,
A.S. Pushkin |
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177. |
August 12, 19..
Dear Dr. Kuzmin,
We are deeply grieved to announce the news that Professor James R. Armstrong died on August 10 after a prolonged and grave illness at the age of 74.
Yours sincerely,
Albert P. Piedmont |
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(reply to letter # 177)
178. |
August 16, 19..
Dear Dr. Piedmont,
It is with deep personal grief that I learned of the death of Professor James R. Armstrong.
All who knew him will always remember his kindness and his helpful advice.
Please accept my most sincere condolences and expression of wholehearted sympathy with you.
Please also convey my sympathy to his family.
Yours sincerely,
Ivan S. Kuzmin |
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179. |
10th June, 19..
Dear Mrs. Brown,
I have been deeply grieved to learn of the death of your husband I am writing you this short note to say how deeply I sympathise with you in your terrible bereavement.
Please accept my deep and true condolences.
Yours truly,
Sophia R. Kaverina |
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(reply to letter # 179)
180. |
16th June, 19..
Dear Mrs. Kaverina,
Your letter of sympathy brought me considerable comfort in my bereavement.
With renewed thanks for your understanding and sympathy, I remain,
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(reply to letter # 181)
182. |
August 15th, 19..
Dear Miss Greene,
I was very sorry to hear that Dr. Heinz has been taken ill and is in hospital. I very much regret that he has to cancel his visit to this country as I was looking forward to making his acquaintance at long last. This will have to wait for another time.
I send all my best wishes for his quick recovery.
Yours truly,
Sergei P. Andrianov |
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183. |
August 20th, 19..
Dear Prof. Andrianov,
Thank you very much for your kind wishes to Dr. Heinz; I shall convey your words to him personally when I see him at the hospital. Dr. Heinz has already been operated upon and he feels much better now.
We trust that Dr. Heinz will make a speedy recovery and will be able to plan a visit to your country in the near future.
Yours truly,
Miss Helen Greene |
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184. |

Dear Dr. Ginzburg,
While looking through the "Journal of...," I incidentally read in the announcements about the award, the... Prize that had been conferred to you for your interesting work. I couldn't hold back from writing you a letter to express my congratulations. Further, when I was going through my mail, I was happy to find a letter from you. I read it with great pleasure. I am very grateful to you for sending me this wonderful complimentary book. It is a great honour. Besides, I wish to thank you for sending me an invitation to visit your lab to do some work together. As soon as I recover from my illness, I'll arrange my affairs, but please inform me about the approximate date of my visit.
If I can be of any help to you in the line of books or journals, make up a list of what you need. I'll do my best to supply you with them. In exchange, I would appreciate it if you could get for me "The Book of Paintings of the Hermitage."
Anticipating an answer, I remain,
Sincerely yours,
Thomas A. Lester |
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185. |
 Dear Dr. Velikanov:
It was a great pleasure to learn that you had been awarded the... Prize for 19... I was always of the opinion that you were worthy of it. Your outstanding work is a great contribution to physical science. May I wish you further success in your scientific endeavour!
I was awfully sorry to hear that your wife had a serious operation and that she is still in hospital. Let us hope that she will recover soon so that she can accompany you on your visit to this country. Please give my best regards to your wife.
Looking forward to seeing you soon in New Orleans, I remain
Sincerely yours,
Thomas W. Nelson |
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