The Object
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A complement answers the question what? or whom?
Note: Every sentence does not require a
John bought a cake yesterday. (What
did John buy?).
Jill was driving a new car. (What
was Jill driving?).
She saw John at the movies last night. (Whom
did she see at last night?).
They called Mary yesterday. (Whom
did they call?).
Direct and Indirect Objects
A DIRECT object is the receiver of action within a
sentence, as in "He hit the ball."
The INDIRECT object identifies to or for whom or what the
action of the verb is performed.
The direct object and indirect object are different people or places or things.
Note: The indirect object is an animate object or objects
to whom or for whom something is done. The direct object can be a person or a thing and is
the first receiver of the action
(The direct objects in the sentences below are in boldface; the indirect
objects are in underline.)
I gave the book to Dan.
(‘The book’ is the direct object because the first action
was that of taking the book in my hand, and the second action, the indirect one, was to
give it to Dan.)
- The instructor gave his students A's.
- Grandfather left Rosalita and Raoul all his money.
- Jo-Bob sold me her boat.
Note: Incidentally, the word ‘me’
is not always an indirect object; it can also serve as a direct object.
- Bless me!
- Contact me if you have questions.
Note: Be careful to distinguish between the direct object
and an object complement:
They named their daughter Natasha.
In that sentence, "daughter" is the direct object
and "Natasha" is the object
complement, which renames or describes the direct object.
Note: In English, nouns do not change form when they
are used as objects or indirect objects, as they do in many other languages. Nor do the
articles or adjectives that are attached to them. A radio is on the desk
and I stole a radio use exactly the same word form for quite
different functions.
This is not true of pronouns, however, which use different forms for different functions.
(See, also, pronoun cases.)
Расположение дополнений в предложении
Структура английского предложения имеет ряд особенностей, что отличает английский язык от, скажем, русского (подробнее см: The Normal Pattern in a Simple English Sentence - ). Дополнения располагаются в английском предложении следующим образом.
=> Прямое дополнение стоит либо непосредственно после сказуемого, либо после беспредложного косвенного дополнения, при наличие такого.
- I bought a radio set.
- I sent my father a telegram.
Note После составных глаголов (to put on, to take off, to pick up, to let in и др. - см: ) прямое дополнение:
- выраженное личным местоимением, всегда стоит между глаголом и наречием,
- а выраженное существительным, может стоять как перед наречием составного глагола, так и после составного глагола.
- Put it on.
- Let him in.
- Put your coat on.
- Put on your coat.
- She put on her coat.
- She put her coat on.
- Let the boy in.
- Let in the boy.
=> Беспредложное косвенное дополнение всегда стоит между глаголом и прямым дополнением.
- I sent my father a telegram.
- We read the buyers the documents.
=> Предложное косвенное дополнение всегда стоит после прямого дополнения.
- The sellers received a telegram from the buyers.
- I sent a telegram to my father.
Transformation of direct and indirect objects
=> There are two ways of writing the objects of many verbs without changing the meaning of
the sentence.
The indirect object may occur after the direct object, preceded by a preposition, or it may occur before the direct object without being preceded by a preposition. The prepositions that are generally used in this structure are ‘for’ and ‘to’.
Not all verbs allow for this object transformation. Here are some that do.
The verbs that allow for
object transformation |
to bring
to build
to buy
to cut
to draw
to feed
to find
to get
to give
to hand
to leave
to lend
to make
to offer
to owe
to paint
to pass
to pay
to promise
to read
to sell
to send
to show
to teach
to tell
to write |
Study the following rules.
S + V + IO + DO
S + V + DO + {‘for’ | ‘to’} + IO
Note: Some of these verbs can be followed by either the preposition ‘for’ or ‘to’, while others must be followed by one or the other. The transformation means exactly the same as the sentence with the original
preposition. Study the following rules.
Note: In the first rule, where the indirect object precedes the direct object, no preposition exists.
- John gave the essay to his teacher.
John gave his teacher the essay.
- The little boy brought some flowers for his
The little boy brought his grandmother some flowers.
- I fixed a drink for Maria.
I fixed Maria a drink.
- He drew a picture for his mother.
He drew his mother a picture.
- He lent his car to his brother.
He lent his brother his car.
- We owe several thousand dollars to the bank.
We owe the bank several thousand dollars.
=> The transformation is not
possible in the folowing cases.
- If the direct object and indirect object are both pronouns, the second rule is generally used. (Качалова указывает, что трансформация недопустима даже в том случае, если местоимением выражено только прямое дополнение.)
Correct: |
They gave it to us. |
Incorrect: |
They gave us it. |
- Some verbs must use the
preposition ‘to’. So the second rule is used in this cases.
The verbs that do not allow for
object transformation (список взят у Качаловой) |
to announce
to attribute
to communicate
to declare
to deliver
to describe
to explain
to introduce
to mention
to propose
to prove
to read
to repeat
to ship
to submit
to suggest
to write
and some others
- Explain this rule to me.
- He read the letter to her.
- I introduced John to Dr. Jackson.
- I introduced Dr. Jackson to John.
- He mentioned the party to me.
- They will deliver the goods to our agents at the end of the week.
- Обратный порядок дополнений (второе правило) используют также и для обозначения ударения на дополнении, указывающем лицо, к которому обращено действие.
- I told the news to him (and not to her).
- He gave a book to my brother (and not to me).
- Если косвенное дополнение, обозначающее лицо, к которому обращено действие, выражено вопросительным или относительным местоимением всегда используют предлог (т.е. второе правило).
- To whom did you show the letter?
- To which of you did he tell the news?
- This is the student to whom I lent my dictionary.
Note: Если прямое дополнение выражено вопросительным или относительным местоимением, то с ним в предложении может употребляться как беспредложное, так и предложное косвенное дополнение, кроме случаев обязательного употребления обратного порядка дополнений.
- What did he give the boy?
- What did he give to the boy?
- What book did he show you?
- What book did he show to you?
- I returned the book which he had lent me.
- I returned the book which he had lent to me.
- We have delivered the goods which we sold them.
- We have delivered the goods which we sold to them.
- What did he suggest to you?
- The rule which the teacher explained to us is very difficult.
Note: Если сказуемое выражено страдательным залогом, то с ним в предложении может употребляться как беспредложное, так и предложное косвенное дополнение, кроме случаев обязательного употребления обратного порядка дополнений.
- The ore was sold them for immediate shipment.
- The ore was sold to them for immediate shipment.
- The book was lent me for five days.
- The book was lent to me for five days.
- The rule was explained to us yesterday.